Confessions of a Plannerholic #2 Q&A

A few questions devised by Emma (thestationerygeekette) to help you delve a little into the mindset of a planner addict. I am always a bit rubbish with Q&As but hopefully it'll be enjoyable..haha!

What is your favourite planner?

Ahh. If I'm brutally honest I don't think I have one. I tend to swap around quite a bit, partly through boredom and partly because I feel guilty for not using all the planners I have! At the minute I'm using my A5 doki Midnight Zip and I'm loving the 'classyness' of it! I am also using an Hourly Erin Condren for work which is finally keeping me on track.

Does your planner have a name? If so what is it?

Weirdly enough for me, no, none of my planners have names. My cars do. They are called Nelly and Leecey (The Mint Green Machine). It has never struck me to personify my planners and give them names, to be honest I'd probably forget given the size of my collection.

Favourite Accessories.

Recently I've got myself into using highlighters for well you know highlighting stuff. I'm a very visual person so changes in colour draw my attention. Pens I'm not too fussy over, although when I find a comfy one I'll use it till the death...mourn its loss and move onto another comfy pen and the cycle repeats. So yeah definitely a comfy pen helps.

Paperclips and magnetic clips, awesome for when you need to clump bits together and flick back and forth between pages. I don't tend to decorate my planners too much, but I do pop the odd one or two in for visual appeal.

Planner Charms, you gotta love them! I like to use them as bookmark of sorts, so I can flip to my current page quickly, it also helps that they are pretty too.

What is your top planning tip?

Throw out the rules, throw out your concept of neat and pretty and have fun. My planner always looks a mess, it isn't as pretty or coordinated as other planners, but that's me in a nutshell. I'm messy and uncoordinated. I have fun, my planner is for me, no one else, so who cares!
So yes, my top tip is have fun and make mistakes.

Why Planners?

As previously mentioned I'm so uncoordinated it isn't even funny.  Planners and organised structure in general helps to keep on the right track. I have a tendency to become distracted by things and my short term memory is rather dire. Having things written down for me to refer to whenever I feel myself losing the plot helps. I have so much admiration for my mum who can hold a million and one things in her head, organise a very disorganised family and still function as a human being. I forget to eat most mornings.

If you were stuck on a desert island what would your top 5 items be that you would want to have?

 Assuming water, and ya know other important bits like food are provided for then I'd say;
- A Leatherman - 'cos it would be handy to have tools for doing stuff and that.
- A Toothbrush - so when you're feeling rather poop and gross from being on an island you can at least feel clean by brushing your teeth
- My SLR and a bunch of film - to document my time and for something to do - hopefully I'd be rescued and I could develop them.
- Pens and paper - to write all the things I have to say because there is no one else around to hear them, to show that I lived and breathed.
- A companion perhaps?

You win 1 million. You can only buy three things. What would buy and why?

Selfish me;
- A property with land & stables to keep horses and a donkey or two. Why? It's always been a dream.
- All of the Irregular Choice shoes *sighs* - do I need to explain why?
-  A world holiday or something or maybe a cheeseburger and a pint...mmmm!

I've enjoyed reading the answers some of the other contributors to the series have written. If you fancy a gander....check them out below:



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