
Showing posts from July, 2016

When a happy mail comes in....

First Happie Scrappie kit. Coffee theme Ahh that feeling of happy warmth spreading through you (and no I'm not talking about when one wets oneself). No it is the most glorious of all days. Happy Mail Day! The day when everything feels right with world, when things just fall into place and harmony ensues....for about an hour anyway. My long awaited, much coveted first  Happie Scrappie is here in my very hands...well figuratively anyway, otherwise typing might be a little awkward. I've been umming and ahhing about whether I should grab myself one of these packs, after spending several hours in the bottomless ocean that is  youtube I decided I'd just do it, given the subscription is rolling and there's no issue with cancelling, if it I didn't like it, I could always cancel at any time. Bonus. So there I was putting in my data, whilst being driven to wherever it was we were going, ignoring J – much to his annoyance - get coffee ...

Let us start in the middle...

I've been meaning to sit down and write this for weeks now, I open up a new document, begin writing a sentence or two then I blank. I just end up staring at the cursor blinking on the screen. I give up and walk away thinking “I'll just do it another day”. It has hit me that actually that day will never likely come. I'll just keep putting it off, thinking that inspiration will hit later.....nah. I've put aside crafting today after slicing my finger with a rotary blade and it is all gross so I can't be working with my hands. I'm a person that needs to be doing something, so after twiddling my thumbs for an hour or two (and a couple of episodes of OITNB – how have I only just discovered this!!) I am finally giving this a go. I remember reading somewhere that you should add media to your posts to make them more interesting and attractive for readers. Yes, I did swat up on the “how to's” and the “do nots” but, I'm not a stickler for the rules. Im...